Lowell Humanities Series


代表社会历史的各种人文学科的主要声音, art, poetry, psychology, sociology, 今年秋天,更多人将受到电子游戏软件洛厄尔人文系列的欢迎, which begins on September 11.

“As usual, we have aimed for diverse fields in the humanities, 让我特别兴奋的是,我们几乎所有的演讲者都涉及多个流派,或者涉及多个学科,” said Professor of History Sylvia Sellers-García, 继上一学年的临时董事之后,现在谁领导这个系列. 这些才华横溢的思想家表明,人文学科中一些最具影响力的作品并没有被学科界限整齐地包含在其中.

"With the upcoming presidential election, 我希望演讲者能以富有想象力的方式谈论政治,” she added. 奥娜·古拉尔尼克的演讲将聚焦于政治如何影响我们的人际关系, 鲁本·乔纳森·米勒将讨论投票权这一重要话题. 我希望今年的讲座能在课堂内外激发有益的对话.”  

所有的活动都是由大学的一些部门共同主办的, programs, and initiatives—begin at 7:00 p.m. and will take place in Gasson 100.

Amy Stanley

Amy Stanley

Amy Stanley
“Stranger in the Shogun’s City: From the Archive to the Page”
September 11

电子游戏正规平台日本近代史和近代史的社会历史学家,对全球史有特殊兴趣, women's and gender history, and narrative, Stanley is the Wayne V. 西北大学琼斯电子游戏正规平台历史学教授. Her most recent book, Stranger in the Shogun’s City: A Japanese Woman and Her World, 曾获得美国国家图书评论界传记类奖项和美国笔会杰奎琳·鲍格拉德·维尔德奖, and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist.

She also is the author of 贩卖妇女:近代早期日本的卖淫、市场与家庭, and articles in the American Historical Review, The Journal of Japanese Studies, and The Journal of Asian Studies.

史丹利曾在古根海姆基金会、日本基金会、日美基金会和美国国家科学基金会担任奖学金.S. 友谊委员会和国家人文基金会.


Rita Duffy

Rita Duffy

Rita Duffy
“You Can’t Hope for a Better Past”
September 25

达菲是贝尔法斯特人,是爱尔兰开创性的视觉艺术家之一. Her public art projects include Thaw, inspired by the Belfast ship Titanic, 它探索了贝尔法斯特与冰山的关系,旨在将当地的殖民主义和宗派主义经历与全球气候危机联系起来.

In 2011, she was awarded a fellowship to work at her alma mater, the University of Ulster, in its Transitional Justice Institute. 她因对爱尔兰视觉艺术的贡献而被授予荣誉,并被选为Aosdana, Ireland’s “people of the arts.” In 2024, 她被任命为南非西开普大学夏洛特·马克克-玛丽·罗宾逊爱尔兰南非电子游戏正规平台主席. Recent projects include Soften the Border and The Raft. 她曾在都柏林三一学院和爱尔兰现代艺术博物馆担任驻校教授. Her work is held in museum and private collections worldwide, 同时,她的公共艺术项目不断发展,探索女性身份问题, history and politics, and borders.


Camille Dungy

Camille Dungy

Poetry Days Presents Camille Dungy
“Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden”
October 9

The most recent of Dungy’s four collections of poetry, Trophic Cascade, won the Colorado Book Award. She is also the author of the essay collections Soil: The Story of a Black Mother’s Garden and 《电子游戏软件》, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. She has edited anthologies including 黑色自然:四个世纪的非裔美国人自然诗歌.

A 2019 Guggenheim fellow, 她的其他荣誉包括国家艺术基金会奖学金, an American Book Award, two NAACP Image Award nominations, and two Hurston/Wright Legacy Award nominations. Dungy’s poems have been published in Best American Poetry, The 100 Best African American Poems, the Pushcart Anthology, and many other anthologies. 她是科罗拉多州立大学的杰出教授.

Cosponsored by the Boston College Poetry Days Series, American Studies Program, and English Department.

Orna Guralnik

Orna Guralnik

Orna Guralnik
“Love and Ideology”
October 16

A clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst in New York, 古拉尔尼克是纽约大学和国家心理治疗电子游戏正规平台所的教员, 她在那里教授创伤跨代传播的课程, socio-politics/ideology and psychoanalysis, and dissociation. 她的演讲和出版主题是夫妻的治疗和文化, dissociation and depersonalization, culture and psychoanalysis.

Guralnik is on the editorial board of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Studies in Gender & Sexuality 也是西奈山伊坎医学院分离和人格解体电子游戏正规平台中心的联合创始人. 她已经完成了Showtime纪录片系列的几季拍摄 Couples Therapy.

由电子游戏软件心理人文中心共同赞助 & Ethics.

Reuben Jonathan Miller

Reuben Jonathan Miller

Reuben Jonathan Miller
“Mass Incarceration, Voting Rights, and Citizenship”
November 13

芝加哥大学皇冠家庭社会工作学院的麦克阿瑟电子游戏正规平台员和社会学家, Policy and Practice, Miller is the author of 《电子游戏软件》. 作为芝加哥库克县监狱的牧师和电子游戏正规平台大规模监禁的社会学家, he has spent years alongside prisoners, formerly incarcerated people, their families and friends, 去理解一次逮捕可能带来的终生负担. 他的作品揭示了被监禁后的生活本身就是一种监狱.

米勒还是美国律师基金会的电子游戏正规平台教授,并一直是普林斯顿高等电子游戏正规平台所的成员, New Jersey, a New America and Rockefeller Foundation fellow, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和达特茅斯学院访问学者.

Cosponsored by the PULSE Program for Service Learning, Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics, Forum on Racial Justice in America, and Sociology Department.

Sy Montgomery

Sy Montgomery

Sy Montgomery: “The Secrets of the Octopus”
November 20

The author of 34 books, Montgomery has scripted, directed, 并出现在国家地理栏目“老虎的咒语”和“熊妈妈男人”中.” Her most recent book, Secrets of the Octopus是《电子游戏正规平台》2024年同名迷你剧的姊妹篇.

Her other books include 章鱼的灵魂:对意识奇迹的惊人探索—a finalist for the 2015 National Book Award for Nonfiction,好猪,如何成为一个好动物:13只动物的回忆录, and Becoming A Good Creature. Her books for children include 寻找树袋鼠:对新几内亚云雾森林的探险 and Kakapo Rescue: Saving The World's Strangest Parrot, which won Silbert Medals.

她曾获得新英格兰独立书商协会非小说类奖, the Children’s Book Guild Nonfiction Award, and the Henry Bergh Award for Nonfiction.  

洛厄尔人文系列由洛厄尔电子游戏正规平台所赞助, the Institute for the Liberal Arts at Boston College, and the Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculties.

All events are free and open to the public. They will be on Eventbrite, an event management and ticketing website; there also will be the option to scan a QR code at the door. 

有关洛厄尔人文系列的更多信息,请访问 b7bys.com/lowell.